1:46:14.490Custom Slice

08 Jul 24, 12:51 - Elchun

Average sec

Select range with mouse, then press "Slice". Points shown only if sliced from the start.

Name Rank Dps% Useful Damage Total Damage Heal Total heal Damage Taken
251 472 793 39 449.8
46 145 089 7 239.0
114 301 203 17 931.0
39 131 107 6 138.7
33 207 867 5 209.4
12 163 1.9
12 163 1.9
3 513 851 551.2
45 984 494 7 213.8
358 219 56.1
3 067 886 481.2
3 387 622 531.4
14 514 590 2 276.9
262 195 41.1
290 069 45.5
3 100 034 486.3
32 296 774 5 066.5
7 696 022 1 207.3
20 377 987 3 196.8
4 573 801 717.5
22 112 911 3 468.9
587 742 92.2
4 988 290 782.5
2 700 496 423.6
32 435 852 5 088.3
5 439 851 853.3
24 060 432 3 774.4
2 684 606 421.1
27 530 038 4 318.7
1 708 0.2
85 995 13.4
2 626 160 411.9
9 564 755 1 500.4
852 147 133.6
1 721 904 270.1
10 148 106 1 591.9
33 789 884 5 300.7
327 083 51.3
655 033 102.7
3 595 136 563.9
35 628 5.5
30 607 959 4 801.6
59 041 444 9 262.1
2 801 295 439.4

First Hit: 7/8 12:51:46.283 SPELL_AURA_APPLIED nil -> Elchun with Strength of Wrynn

Last Hit: 7/8 14:38:00.773 SPELL_PERIODIC_DAMAGE Holynature -> The Lich King with Languish