1:47:22.391Custom Slice

08 Jul 24, 15:17 - Yeadk

Average sec

Select range with mouse, then press "Slice". Points shown only if sliced from the start.

Name Rank Dps% Useful Damage Total Damage Heal Total heal Damage Taken
214 043 889 33 224.2
42 263 554 6 560.2
144 336 516 22 404.1
41 896 507 6 503.2
30 806 599 4 781.8
3 879 604 602.1
16 984 100 2 636.3
3 264 261 506.6
11 186 611 1 736.4
1 247 268 193.6
3 286 266 510.1
8 986 694 1 394.9
43 866 115 6 808.9
539 058 83.6
1 486 554 230.7
3 420 186 530.8
27 870 474 4 326.1
38 055 5.9
367 763 57.0
3 211 425 498.4
668 612 103.7
19 395 277 3 010.5
73 975 165 11 482.5
3 232 141 501.6
28 179 918 4 374.1
4 227 490 656.1
17 589 989 2 730.3
6 014 451 933.5
27 905 503 4 331.5
2 428 323 376.9
5 377 520 834.7
3 260 223 506.0
17 880 973 2 775.5
161 554 25.0
449 420 69.7
3 773 271 585.6
25 665 142 3 983.7
12 802 1.9
15 066 2.3
3 745 368 581.3
13 942 2.1
10 334 123 1 604.0
24 804 673 3 850.2
2 988 487 463.8

First Hit: 7/8 15:17:19.949 SPELL_AURA_APPLIED nil -> Yeadk with Hellscream's Warsong

Last Hit: 7/8 17:04:42.340 SPELL_AURA_REMOVED Robipala -> Yeadk with Frost Resistance Aura