0:16:51.222Custom Slice

08 Jul 24, 22:03 - Raknoss

Average sec

Select range with mouse, then press "Slice". Points shown only if sliced from the start.

Name Rank Dps% Useful Damage Total Damage Heal Total heal Damage Taken
26 656 126 26 360.3
3 655 293 3 614.7
6 032 508 5 965.5
3 490 755 3 452.0
3 344 309 3 307.1
168 513 166.6
596 580 589.9
256 674 253.8
2 937 480 2 904.8
48 132 47.5
80 167 79.2
235 908 233.2
1 046 600 1 034.9
84 466 83.5
222 175 219.7
504 982 499.3
3 317 057 3 280.2
53 963 53.3
82 435 81.5
398 030 393.6
4 545 205 4 494.7
120 660 119.3
136 044 134.5
229 175 226.6
3 862 772 3 819.9
20 337 20.1
41 432 40.9
195 404 193.2
1 313 379 1 298.8
57 106 56.4
57 106 56.4
825 986 816.8
4 393 530 4 344.7
65 998 65.2
87 958 86.9
494 297 488.8
1 895 794 1 874.7
11 024 10.9
11 024 10.9
137 244 135.7
3 025 094 2 991.5
4 717 587 4 665.2
213 055 210.6

First Hit: 7/8 22:03:18.639 SPELL_AURA_REMOVED Raknoss -> Raknoss with Armisticio

Last Hit: 7/8 22:20:09.861 SPELL_AURA_REMOVED Thoodhun -> Raknoss with Maestro demonólogo