1:19:59.477Custom Slice

09 Jul 24, 12:25 - Jeessi

Average sec

Select range with mouse, then press "Slice". Points shown only if sliced from the start.

Name Rank Dps% Useful Damage Total Damage Heal Total heal Damage Taken
251 427 257 52 386.3
39 982 839 8 330.6
133 171 476 27 747.0
41 322 592 8 609.8
7 066 829 1 472.4
256 594 53.4
558 818 116.4
9 950 996 2 073.3
27 917 558 5 816.7
1 320 748 275.1
4 361 182 908.6
3 155 635 657.4
36 988 249 7 706.7
4 795 661 999.2
23 741 328 4 946.6
3 232 045 673.4
32 658 866 6 804.6
3 272 853 681.9
4 468 794 931.1
3 354 307 698.8
40 119 418 8 359.1
443 398 92.3
2 495 225 519.8
4 781 862 996.3
30 118 211 6 275.3
1 441 371 300.3
1 857 353 386.9
4 268 360 889.3
36 999 869 7 709.1
3 894 336 811.4
31 032 796 6 465.8
51 356 10.7
619 503 129.0
3 536 169 736.7
842 936 175.6
28 396 718 5 916.6
95 065 133 19 807.3
3 800 282 791.8
7 682 525 1 600.7
4 140 0.8
4 140 0.8
1 348 600 280.9

First Hit: 7/9 12:25:23.986 SPELL_CAST_SUCCESS Bumbleby -> nil with Horn of Winter

Last Hit: 7/9 13:45:23.463 SPELL_CAST_START Curaviadu -> nil with Enchant Bracer - Greater Strength