0:36:25.418Custom Slice

09 Jul 24, 12:41 - Andarna

Average sec

Select range with mouse, then press "Slice". Points shown only if sliced from the start.

Name Rank Dps% Useful Damage Total Damage Heal Total heal Damage Taken
48 612 891 22 244.2
3 941 145 1 803.3
16 529 572 7 563.5
3 919 932 1 793.6
17 224 178 7 881.4
95 615 43.7
249 250 114.0
972 822 445.1
5 747 814 2 630.0
11 236 5.1
46 401 21.2
867 316 396.8
8 205 368 3 754.5
633 789 290.0
9 165 429 4 193.9
540 542 247.3
7 293 607 3 337.3
5 703 2.6
27 825 12.7
445 068 203.6
18 531 8.4
3 782 014 1 730.5
16 100 742 7 367.3
333 398 152.5
957 964 438.3
46 577 21.3
105 354 48.2
126 997 58.1

First Hit: 7/9 12:41:03.416 SPELL_AURA_REFRESH Astromancer -> Astromancer with Molten Armor

Last Hit: 7/9 13:17:28.834 SPELL_AURA_REMOVED Philisandra -> Andarna with Mental Protection Field