1:02:28.429Custom Slice

09 Jul 24, 14:11 - Bumbleby

Average sec

Select range with mouse, then press "Slice". Points shown only if sliced from the start.

Name Rank Dps% Useful Damage Total Damage Heal Total heal Damage Taken
212 820 949 56 776.0
35 712 489 9 527.3
115 153 229 30 720.3
36 672 424 9 783.4
25 911 161 6 912.5
41 252 11.0
544 868 145.3
3 211 727 856.8
31 596 828 8 429.3
3 404 089 908.1
25 920 025 6 914.9
1 280 035 341.4
1 675 306 446.9
3 818 752 1 018.7
6 147 740 1 640.0
303 234 80.8
596 584 159.1
9 271 244 2 473.3
34 306 718 9 152.2
417 384 111.3
2 417 777 645.0
4 194 011 1 118.8
26 754 610 7 137.5
3 239 190 864.1
4 477 006 1 194.3
2 933 806 782.6
31 257 181 8 338.7
4 128 481 1 101.3
20 101 527 5 362.6
2 821 729 752.7
23 970 387 6 394.7
1 174 054 313.2
4 072 835 1 086.5
2 799 930 746.9
6 208 152 1 656.2
4 467 1.1
4 467 1.1
1 022 734 272.8
748 147 199.5
25 124 392 6 702.6
81 262 859 21 679.1
3 194 402 852.1

First Hit: 7/9 14:11:36.814 SPELL_AURA_REMOVED Bumbleby -> Bumbleby with Drink

Last Hit: 7/9 15:14:05.243 SPELL_AURA_REMOVED Gilldor -> Gilldor with Swordguard Embroidery