1:45:33.205Custom Slice

09 Jul 24, 18:59 - Dpm

Average sec

Select range with mouse, then press "Slice". Points shown only if sliced from the start.

Name Rank Dps% Useful Damage Total Damage Heal Total heal Damage Taken
282 602 328 44 622.3
45 638 004 7 206.1
98 708 120 15 585.8
47 871 434 7 558.8
31 997 431 5 052.3
867 994 137.0
6 456 289 1 019.4
3 555 945 561.4
36 205 485 5 716.7
2 819 912 445.2
3 995 380 630.8
4 861 425 767.6
22 424 901 3 540.8
119 141 18.8
379 817 59.9
3 244 816 512.3
14 012 512 2 212.5
978 687 154.5
31 065 389 4 905.1
2 863 981 452.2
6 527 918 1 030.7
4 110 707 649.0
9 440 106 1 490.5
567 436 89.5
868 145 137.0
11 364 853 1 794.4
43 719 801 6 903.2
282 072 44.5
591 905 93.4
4 894 087 772.7
31 841 030 5 027.6
18 361 2.8
53 235 8.4
3 996 034 630.9
36 406 228 5 748.4
5 253 814 829.5
22 836 296 3 605.8
3 684 100 581.7
115 006 18.1
32 845 293 5 186.2
56 999 135 9 000.0
4 301 466 679.1
25 374 439 4 006.5
2 879 314 454.6

First Hit: 7/9 18:59:33.574 SPELL_AURA_APPLIED nil -> Dpm with Strength of Wrynn

Last Hit: 7/9 20:45:06.779 SPELL_AURA_REMOVED nil -> Dpm with Strength of Wrynn