0:50:15.012Custom Slice

09 Jul 24, 23:05 - Paris

Average sec

Select range with mouse, then press "Slice". Points shown only if sliced from the start.

Name Rank Dps% Useful Damage Total Damage Heal Total heal Damage Taken
128 346 216 42 569.0
25 069 309 8 314.8
90 567 196 30 038.7
23 253 027 7 712.4
7 514 686 2 492.4
1 242 887 412.2
3 172 257 1 052.1
7 160 108 2 374.8
25 923 899 8 598.2
12 727 4.2
34 327 11.3
1 934 431 641.5
20 259 361 6 719.4
3 084 721 1 023.1
11 694 975 3 878.9
2 020 963 670.3
14 447 227 4 791.7
105 668 35.0
316 572 104.9
1 526 720 506.3
26 536 038 8 801.3
413 053 136.9
4 512 232 1 496.5
2 212 642 733.8
16 795 972 5 570.7
1 774 946 588.7
5 964 698 1 978.3
1 348 274 447.1
402 890 133.6
10 177 839 3 375.7
44 012 154 14 597.6
1 424 178 472.3
10 673 289 3 540.0
24 811 8.2
88 868 29.4
1 150 216 381.4
5 792 854 1 921.3
1 434 866 475.9
7 319 536 2 427.6
3 269 311 1 084.3
6 797 791 2 254.6
13 451 577 4 461.5
1 206 184 400.0

First Hit: 7/9 23:05:32.049 SPELL_CAST_SUCCESS Paris -> nil with Raise Dead

Last Hit: 7/9 23:55:47.061 SPELL_AURA_REMOVED Iloveminorss -> Paris with Devotion Aura