1:57:04.089Custom Slice

09 Jul 24, 23:32 - Wmr

Average sec

Select range with mouse, then press "Slice". Points shown only if sliced from the start.

Name Rank Dps% Useful Damage Total Damage Heal Total heal Damage Taken
286 442 344 40 779.9
66 620 435 9 484.5
168 368 184 23 970.1
66 890 400 9 523.0
49 620 827 7 064.3
397 859 56.6
4 287 510 610.4
5 890 477 838.6
9 315 435 1 326.2
1 209 937 172.2
2 318 572 330.0
13 548 962 1 928.9
45 440 494 6 469.2
5 788 267 824.0
55 313 340 7 874.8
548 783 78.1
2 042 418 290.7
6 658 301 947.9
10 393 553 1 479.7
21 833 042 3 108.3
40 817 680 5 811.0
5 032 223 716.4
36 463 224 5 191.1
1 098 776 156.4
1 238 453 176.3
5 528 396 787.0
33 120 033 4 715.2
943 146 134.2
1 464 143 208.4
4 239 674 603.5
15 184 106 2 161.7
5 072 545 722.1
12 755 304 1 815.9
11 374 090 1 619.2
30 980 589 4 410.6
4 593 960 654.0
16 399 725 2 334.7
3 860 981 549.6
610 743 86.9
30 922 387 4 402.3
87 044 379 12 392.2
4 969 029 707.4

First Hit: 7/9 23:32:15.287 SPELL_AURA_REMOVED Missmd -> Missmd with Закаленный льдом воитель

Last Hit: 7/10 01:29:19.376 SPELL_AURA_REFRESH Alunara -> Rexha with Зимний горн