0:07:12.082Custom Slice

10 Jul 24, 10:06 - Kaycci

Average sec

Select range with mouse, then press "Slice". Points shown only if sliced from the start.

Name Rank Dps% Useful Damage Total Damage Heal Total heal Damage Taken
7 452 852 17 248.6
1 256 962 2 909.0
2 288 898 5 297.3
1 306 951 3 024.7
352 030 814.7
100 923 233.5
112 545 260.4
627 297 1 451.8
967 552 2 239.2
218 078 504.7
790 678 1 829.9
48 182 111.5
834 754 1 931.9
22 245 51.4
48 854 113.0
98 857 228.7
1 317 788 3 049.8
7 443 17.2
25 960 60.0
75 385 174.4
1 379 637 3 192.9
15 824 36.6
34 260 79.2
84 122 194.6
929 930 2 152.2
36 077 83.4
168 773 390.6
89 367 206.8
777 975 1 800.5
9 243 21.3
21 223 49.1
68 280 158.0
856 033 1 981.1
22 914 53.0
34 915 80.8
82 614 191.1
37 153 85.9
2 789 6.4
4 774 11.0
67 659 156.5
821 426 1 901.0
1 046 916 2 422.9
65 188 150.8

First Hit: 7/10 10:06:18.259 SPELL_AURA_APPLIED Renamiel -> Ebonhate with Leader of the Pack

Last Hit: 7/10 10:13:30.341 SPELL_AURA_REMOVED Ebonhate -> Kaycci with Horn of Winter