0:19:30.948Custom Slice

10 Jul 24, 18:14 - Panespecial

Average sec

Select range with mouse, then press "Slice". Points shown only if sliced from the start.

Name Rank Dps% Useful Damage Total Damage Heal Total heal Damage Taken
39 640 307 33 853.1
3 815 694 3 258.6
16 746 796 14 301.9
3 573 074 3 051.4
4 700 224 4 014.0
87 048 74.3
275 435 235.2
152 333 130.0
6 041 576 5 159.5
181 0.1
2 358 2.0
160 710 137.2
4 905 441 4 189.2
77 464 66.1
866 861 740.3
165 923 141.6
4 884 527 4 171.4
243 836 208.2
2 910 350 2 485.4
97 862 83.5
1 586 918 1 355.2
18 301 15.6
47 316 40.4
847 402 723.6
183 802 156.9
3 314 748 2 830.8
12 316 617 10 518.5
157 912 134.8
2 186 340 1 867.1
46 455 39.6
81 575 69.6
1 503 271 1 283.8
4 014 176 3 428.1
11 014 9.4
124 308 106.1
181 380 154.9
5 908 997 5 046.3
8 506 7.2
60 652 51.7
141 781 121.0
5 228 306 4 465.0
8 141 6.9
61 324 52.3
164 500 140.4

First Hit: 7/10 18:14:19.414 SPELL_AURA_APPLIED_DOSE Deathagainst -> Deathagainst with Sañoso

Last Hit: 7/10 18:33:50.362 SPELL_AURA_REMOVED Melyqueens -> Panespecial with Aura de Resistencia a la Escarcha