1:45:45.649Custom Slice

10 Jul 24, 19:32 - Jhenna

Average sec

Select range with mouse, then press "Slice". Points shown only if sliced from the start.

Name Rank Dps% Useful Damage Total Damage Heal Total heal Damage Taken
221 136 061 34 848.4
35 722 120 5 629.3
80 747 135 12 724.8
27 974 213 4 408.4
31 019 309 4 888.2
23 463 3.6
67 754 10.6
1 949 630 307.2
23 611 352 3 720.8
2 279 971 359.2
3 244 599 511.3
1 716 864 270.5
34 992 305 5 514.3
260 031 40.9
938 276 147.8
2 198 420 346.4
30 302 000 4 775.2
1 848 618 291.3
9 189 772 1 448.2
1 101 139 173.5
2 566 899 404.5
6 791 666 1 070.2
32 248 446 5 081.9
746 316 117.6
827 308 130.3
2 230 980 351.5
29 353 952 4 625.8
4 933 996 777.5
14 716 014 2 319.0
1 553 002 244.7
3 244 537 511.3
16 012 222 2 523.3
28 518 399 4 494.1
2 081 687 328.0
14 814 413 2 334.5
7 122 295 1 122.3
15 993 385 2 520.3
1 848 337 291.2
12 359 975 1 947.7
3 236 887 510.0
13 868 701 2 185.5
5 755 009 906.9
5 800 0.9
5 800 0.9

First Hit: 7/10 19:32:51.388 SPELL_AURA_APPLIED Jhenna -> Jhenna with Chill of the Throne

Last Hit: 7/10 21:18:37.037 SPELL_HEAL Jhenna -> Symbelmune with Flash Heal