0:57:10.887Custom Slice

10 Jul 24, 20:31 - Hitrex

Average sec

Select range with mouse, then press "Slice". Points shown only if sliced from the start.

Name Rank Dps% Useful Damage Total Damage Heal Total heal Damage Taken
101 831 584 29 680.8
25 174 679 7 337.6
59 905 368 17 460.6
28 271 314 8 240.2
12 045 784 3 510.9
339 908 99.0
378 977 110.4
3 101 415 903.9
11 894 829 3 466.9
4 162 571 1 213.2
8 590 583 2 503.8
2 001 622 583.4
3 706 571 1 080.3
256 975 74.9
510 160 148.6
6 143 492 1 790.6
10 444 486 3 044.2
808 232 235.5
2 823 596 822.9
2 666 957 777.3
8 803 595 2 565.9
477 740 139.2
2 187 321 637.5
1 993 614 581.0
339 740 99.0
18 456 965 5 379.6
42 094 277 12 269.2
2 379 137 693.4
1 785 189 520.3
435 941 127.0
10 683 275 3 113.8
64 278 18.7
235 588 68.6
2 517 495 733.7
15 003 954 4 373.1
149 249 43.5
265 691 77.4
2 848 730 830.3
13 609 015 3 966.6
458 761 133.7
2 819 175 821.7
2 208 387 643.6
13 515 146 3 939.2
1 974 524 575.5

First Hit: 7/10 20:31:51.399 SPELL_AURA_APPLIED nil -> Hitrex with Hellscream's Warsong

Last Hit: 7/10 21:29:02.286 SPELL_AURA_REMOVED Smakolysz -> Hitrex with Frost Resistance Aura