1:32:54.356Custom Slice

10 Jul 24, 22:48 - Dirshlak

Average sec

Select range with mouse, then press "Slice". Points shown only if sliced from the start.

Name Rank Dps% Useful Damage Total Damage Heal Total heal Damage Taken
257 462 898 46 187.0
43 003 207 7 714.4
99 801 313 17 903.6
41 297 688 7 408.5
10 088 674 1 809.8
1 245 259 223.3
2 845 909 510.5
10 594 900 1 900.6
29 002 941 5 202.9
4 934 500 885.2
16 125 164 2 892.7
3 030 266 543.6
36 437 423 6 536.6
11 092 323 1 989.8
25 949 541 4 655.1
4 502 216 807.6
28 784 817 5 163.7
251 099 45.0
659 388 118.2
3 492 548 626.5
32 795 487 5 883.2
1 212 032 217.4
8 129 427 1 458.3
3 348 046 600.6
37 415 805 6 712.1
203 822 36.5
402 507 72.2
3 153 404 565.6
13 941 879 2 501.0
51 709 9.2
186 447 33.4
1 511 356 271.1
38 762 623 6 953.7
1 305 064 234.1
2 500 537 448.5
3 343 198 599.7
9 727 322 1 745.0
208 404 37.3
458 485 82.2
2 743 395 492.1
1 389 745 249.3
89 498 16.0
402 864 72.2
53 721 9.6
71 773 12.8
22 269 320 3 994.9
41 814 904 7 501.2
2 441 108 437.9
19 044 409 3 416.4
140 177 25.1
326 140 58.5
3 083 530 553.1

First Hit: 7/10 22:48:00.037 SPELL_AURA_APPLIED nil -> Dirshlak with Hellscream's Warsong

Last Hit: 7/11 00:20:54.393 SPELL_AURA_REMOVED nil -> Dirshlak with Hellscream's Warsong