3:04:43.195Custom Slice

11 Jul 24, 13:12 - Zzxn

Average sec

Select range with mouse, then press "Slice". Points shown only if sliced from the start.

Name Rank Dps% Useful Damage Total Damage Heal Total heal Damage Taken
291 979 023 26 344.3
73 424 600 6 624.8
215 487 649 19 442.7
71 919 159 6 489.0
53 889 434 4 862.2
295 517 26.6
2 619 759 236.3
4 450 550 401.5
11 201 029 1 010.6
789 907 71.2
2 139 578 193.0
19 107 270 1 723.9
680 517 61.4
32 857 409 2 964.6
105 613 851 9 529.1
4 938 203 445.5
18 873 596 1 702.9
4 106 419 370.5
12 764 098 1 151.6
14 064 956 1 269.0
40 813 854 3 682.4
127 255 11.4
834 033 75.2
5 247 553 473.4
40 440 591 3 648.8
701 435 63.2
2 684 427 242.2
5 522 971 498.3
26 449 871 2 386.4
3 225 113 290.9
12 980 058 1 171.1
2 503 408 225.8
41 628 674 3 756.0
806 093 72.7
925 501 83.5
5 583 012 503.7
43 487 232 3 923.7
14 156 1.2
90 526 8.1
4 244 453 382.9
308 554 27.8
28 400 789 2 562.5
64 240 615 5 796.2
4 679 064 422.1
14 205 671 1 281.7
2 100 507 189.5
10 595 203 955.9
1 577 719 142.3

First Hit: 7/11 13:12:20.017 SPELL_AURA_APPLIED Zzxn -> Zzxn with 王座之寒

Last Hit: 7/11 16:17:03.212 SPELL_AURA_REMOVED Dimei -> Zzxn with 暗影抗性光环