1:51:10.940Custom Slice

11 Jul 24, 14:28 - Mexypa

Average sec

Select range with mouse, then press "Slice". Points shown only if sliced from the start.

Name Rank Dps% Useful Damage Total Damage Heal Total heal Damage Taken
227 110 969 34 044.8
43 154 856 6 469.0
113 145 458 16 960.9
44 169 945 6 621.2
17 342 447 2 599.7
7 054 143 1 057.4
19 125 246 2 866.9
8 194 201 1 228.3
43 646 834 6 542.8
455 740 68.3
6 618 070 992.0
4 496 205 673.9
28 427 940 4 261.4
43 691 6.5
203 274 30.4
3 665 983 549.5
33 981 267 5 093.9
538 949 80.7
2 987 527 447.8
4 224 502 633.2
28 117 640 4 214.9
3 756 156 563.0
16 057 802 2 407.1
3 456 235 518.1
17 943 549 2 689.8
270 023 40.4
311 104 46.6
1 772 262 265.6
2 618 268 392.4
380 648 57.0
19 887 996 2 981.2
1 188 531 178.1
2 745 041 411.4
5 692 313 853.2
26 907 999 4 033.6
399 107 59.8
1 212 533 181.7
4 063 625 609.1
1 093 026 163.8
6 520 116 977.3
15 019 246 2 251.4
3 083 209 462.1
4 264 0.6
22 888 872 3 431.1
48 631 050 7 289.9
3 886 399 582.5
7 139 739 1 070.2
39 528 5.9
234 565 35.1
1 254 363 188.0

First Hit: 7/11 14:28:08.702 SPELL_AURA_REMOVED Mexypa -> Mexypa with Swift Flight Form

Last Hit: 7/11 16:19:19.642 SPELL_AURA_REMOVED Yorong -> Mexypa with Devotion Aura