1:17:59.111Custom Slice

11 Jul 24, 17:03 - Tonigk

Average sec

Select range with mouse, then press "Slice". Points shown only if sliced from the start.

Name Rank Dps% Useful Damage Total Damage Heal Total heal Damage Taken
248 305 481 53 066.8
41 975 321 8 970.7
82 275 937 17 583.6
43 860 025 9 373.5
8 460 421 1 808.1
414 645 88.6
527 657 112.7
11 055 663 2 362.7
36 006 192 7 695.0
3 919 062 837.5
32 736 105 6 996.2
15 015 3.2
15 015 3.2
3 671 537 784.6
38 878 333 8 308.9
295 523 63.1
577 451 123.4
4 926 882 1 052.9
35 678 562 7 625.0
30 060 6.4
324 439 69.3
3 668 728 784.0
25 986 057 5 553.6
4 863 321 1 039.3
18 387 841 3 929.7
2 961 275 632.8
34 521 755 7 377.8
3 071 842 656.5
4 989 328 1 066.2
3 924 238 838.6
33 530 222 7 165.9
2 749 747 587.6
7 224 802 1 544.0
3 921 155 838.0
2 269 958 485.1
61 332 13.1
110 373 23.5
1 706 541 364.7
237 876 50.8
30 473 836 6 512.7
50 119 031 10 711.2
4 104 944 877.2

First Hit: 7/11 17:03:52.892 SPELL_PERIODIC_HEAL Healing Stream Totem IX -> Jamming with Healing Stream Totem

Last Hit: 7/11 18:21:52.003 SPELL_AURA_REMOVED PetitMeow -> PetitMeow with Call of the Wild