1:53:56.660Custom Slice

11 Jul 24, 17:49 - Leadme

Average sec

Select range with mouse, then press "Slice". Points shown only if sliced from the start.

Name Rank Dps% Useful Damage Total Damage Heal Total heal Damage Taken
215 393 846 31 505.7
41 685 778 6 097.3
84 487 656 12 358.0
48 862 525 7 147.1
25 957 664 3 796.8
1 004 808 146.9
5 510 952 806.0
3 785 164 553.6
21 636 533 3 164.7
230 659 33.7
487 254 71.2
2 945 220 430.7
7 657 309 1 120.0
724 072 105.9
1 128 642 165.0
11 702 705 1 711.7
23 002 687 3 364.6
48 226 7.0
93 743 13.7
4 202 762 614.7
29 706 168 4 345.1
6 838 787 1 000.3
14 991 583 2 192.8
7 153 071 1 046.2
24 211 102 3 541.3
4 269 647 624.5
15 894 232 2 324.8
3 871 405 566.2
29 986 142 4 386.0
658 666 96.3
3 035 025 443.9
4 055 068 593.1
24 330 121 3 558.7
30 728 4.4
30 728 4.4
2 473 046 361.7
28 417 129 4 156.5
4 368 181 638.9
488 991 71.5
27 880 185 4 078.0
43 315 497 6 335.7
4 305 903 629.8

First Hit: 7/11 17:49:06.987 SPELL_AURA_APPLIED nil -> Leadme with Grito de guerra de Grito infernal

Last Hit: 7/11 19:43:03.647 SPELL_AURA_REMOVED Apollyona -> Leadme with Aura de lechúcico lunar