1:35:01.262Custom Slice

11 Jul 24, 18:13 - Wyron

Average sec

Select range with mouse, then press "Slice". Points shown only if sliced from the start.

Name Rank Dps% Useful Damage Total Damage Heal Total heal Damage Taken
124 063 382 21 760.6
22 562 426 3 957.4
80 480 918 14 116.3
22 611 129 3 965.9
4 465 589 783.2
419 461 73.5
968 229 169.8
7 410 429 1 299.7
7 827 411 1 372.9
313 695 55.0
1 352 779 237.2
755 800 132.5
22 042 525 3 866.2
20 908 3.6
29 099 5.1
1 392 782 244.2
15 233 290 2 671.9
177 882 31.2
217 890 38.2
1 260 798 221.1
23 626 812 4 144.1
96 542 16.9
424 728 74.4
1 631 645 286.1
15 012 889 2 633.2
1 190 009 208.7
8 208 617 1 439.7
1 207 004 211.7
6 069 868 1 064.6
86 981 15.2
108 815 19.0
5 179 677 908.5
20 710 102 3 632.5
5 012 0.8
132 747 23.2
1 309 546 229.6
504 750 88.5
11 636 840 2 041.0
51 176 731 8 976.3
1 116 676 195.8
8 570 146 1 503.2
314 584 55.1
8 615 096 1 511.0
17 861 283 3 132.8
1 032 188 181.0

First Hit: 7/11 18:13:41.698 SPELL_AURA_APPLIED Wyron -> Wyron with Escalofrío del trono

Last Hit: 7/11 19:48:42.960 SPELL_AURA_REMOVED Uttena -> Wyron with Aura de concentración