1:58:21.828Custom Slice

11 Jul 24, 21:13 - Freppi

Average sec

Select range with mouse, then press "Slice". Points shown only if sliced from the start.

Name Rank Dps% Useful Damage Total Damage Heal Total heal Damage Taken
258 786 393 36 439.4
47 573 318 6 698.7
134 268 114 18 906.1
49 400 255 6 955.9
44 391 026 6 250.6
474 913 66.8
1 703 651 239.8
3 781 859 532.5
44 253 617 6 231.2
1 691 877 238.2
4 572 331 643.8
3 930 579 553.4
29 506 596 4 154.7
647 280 91.1
2 045 643 288.0
4 699 328 661.7
594 975 83.7
19 951 630 2 809.3
68 867 231 9 697.1
3 677 521 517.8
12 227 376 1 721.7
1 758 993 247.6
3 060 466 430.9
13 340 739 1 878.4
23 771 799 3 347.2
165 395 23.2
387 766 54.6
4 375 071 616.0
52 557 039 7 400.4
3 770 502 530.9
8 163 137 1 149.4
4 361 758 614.1
32 022 185 4 509.0
278 049 39.1
772 157 108.7
3 808 140 536.2
19 458 604 2 739.9
741 732 104.4
4 293 847 604.6
3 603 542 507.4
3 176 0.4
18 092 947 2 547.6
40 401 885 5 688.9
3 821 718 538.1

First Hit: 7/11 21:13:34.971 SPELL_AURA_APPLIED nil -> Freppi with Hellscream's Warsong

Last Hit: 7/11 23:11:56.799 SPELL_AURA_REMOVED Gwaihiir -> Gwaihiir with Twilight Flames