0:37:56.223Custom Slice

11 Jul 24, 22:59 - Minatoni

Average sec

Select range with mouse, then press "Slice". Points shown only if sliced from the start.

Name Rank Dps% Useful Damage Total Damage Heal Total heal Damage Taken
47 428 942 20 836.6
7 458 540 3 276.7
17 649 258 7 753.7
7 332 295 3 221.2
2 414 043 1 060.5
1 304 645 573.1
3 587 527 1 576.0
1 437 517 631.5
13 292 233 5 839.6
120 262 52.8
278 713 122.4
883 212 388.0
4 235 458 1 860.7
140 198 61.5
521 752 229.2
467 456 205.3
3 272 689 1 437.7
71 735 31.5
165 846 72.8
440 813 193.6
10 238 604 4 498.0
175 235 76.9
975 535 428.5
585 031 257.0
2 939 160 1 291.2
320 390 140.7
504 906 221.8
1 906 021 837.3
3 827 460 1 681.4
69 080 30.3
191 524 84.1
361 677 158.8
7 159 997 3 145.5
108 615 47.7
439 737 193.1
492 463 216.3
34 251 15.0
2 914 804 1 280.5
7 084 909 3 112.5
465 961 204.7
15 047 6.6
2 233 576 981.2
3 898 809 1 712.8
292 144 128.3

First Hit: 7/11 22:59:03.433 SPELL_AURA_APPLIED CMpunK -> Behemouth with Ferocious Inspiration

Last Hit: 7/11 23:36:59.656 SPELL_AURA_REMOVED Juani -> Juani with Blink