1:22:27.394Custom Slice

12 Jul 24, 14:16 - Ecoat

Average sec

Select range with mouse, then press "Slice". Points shown only if sliced from the start.

Name Rank Dps% Useful Damage Total Damage Heal Total heal Damage Taken
253 046 218 51 147.3
43 593 356 8 811.3
90 648 468 18 322.4
45 146 047 9 125.2
8 350 300 1 687.8
358 461 72.4
438 696 88.6
12 713 408 2 569.7
43 242 082 8 740.3
471 783 95.3
2 049 753 414.3
5 043 511 1 019.4
33 877 684 6 847.5
7 221 382 1 459.6
23 675 864 4 785.5
3 714 919 750.8
37 199 075 7 518.9
3 564 902 720.5
8 362 508 1 690.2
4 308 329 870.8
26 251 976 5 306.2
53 966 10.9
342 923 69.3
3 485 738 704.5
39 542 280 7 992.5
4 166 173 842.0
34 027 685 6 877.9
1 431 470 289.3
2 243 685 453.5
3 383 733 683.9
28 447 213 5 749.9
3 612 544 730.1
2 107 923 426.0
691 891 139.8
30 491 392 6 163.1
53 535 039 10 820.8
4 025 801 813.7

First Hit: 7/12 14:16:20.477 SPELL_AURA_APPLIED nil -> Eoowyn with Hellscream's Warsong

Last Hit: 7/12 15:38:47.871 SPELL_AURA_APPLIED_DOSE Seceric -> Seceric with Surging Power