1:47:12.346Custom Slice

12 Jul 24, 18:26 - Uq

Average sec

Select range with mouse, then press "Slice". Points shown only if sliced from the start.

Name Rank Dps% Useful Damage Total Damage Heal Total heal Damage Taken
264 776 048 41 163.2
37 063 753 5 762.0
88 769 341 13 800.4
38 421 468 5 973.1
30 714 444 4 774.9
216 708 33.6
627 811 97.6
3 709 043 576.6
46 539 801 7 235.2
1 482 222 230.4
2 240 857 348.3
3 744 054 582.0
9 735 787 1 513.5
789 324 122.7
1 254 654 195.0
8 960 866 1 393.0
33 852 329 5 262.8
122 457 19.0
625 570 97.2
2 808 070 436.5
34 292 671 5 331.2
240 745 37.4
588 472 91.4
3 856 167 599.4
22 192 053 3 450.0
2 987 427 464.4
37 249 726 5 791.0
358 516 55.7
1 263 041 196.3
3 336 193 518.6
45 632 035 7 094.1
2 029 775 315.5
5 911 462 919.0
3 492 537 542.9
57 406 8.9
24 947 475 3 878.4
59 274 287 9 215.0
3 255 184 506.0
4 509 796 701.1
6 876 531 1 069.0
16 983 187 2 640.2
2 271 927 353.2

First Hit: 7/12 18:26:51.599 SPELL_AURA_APPLIED nil -> Uq with 乌瑞恩的力量

Last Hit: 7/12 20:14:03.945 SPELL_AURA_REMOVED Tosmokey -> Uq with 寒冬号角