0:55:47.209Custom Slice

12 Jul 24, 20:04 - Lend

Average sec

Select range with mouse, then press "Slice". Points shown only if sliced from the start.

Name Rank Dps% Useful Damage Total Damage Heal Total heal Damage Taken
137 574 433 41 101.2
26 241 100 7 839.6
51 770 105 15 466.6
20 142 128 6 017.5
5 516 317 1 648.0
903 252 269.8
2 886 361 862.3
509 379 152.1
4 300 604 1 284.8
542 792 162.1
1 007 338 300.9
5 989 010 1 789.2
8 662 550 2 587.9
2 366 051 706.8
3 325 688 993.5
1 593 300 476.0
23 854 861 7 126.7
1 819 592 543.6
9 233 052 2 758.4
939 182 280.5
20 806 517 6 216.0
3 440 224 1 027.7
8 595 898 2 568.0
1 817 048 542.8
16 022 149 4 786.7
1 115 680 333.3
18 122 284 5 414.1
258 040 77.0
557 160 166.4
1 709 330 510.6
20 747 512 6 198.4
178 207 53.2
366 494 109.4
2 033 853 607.6
6 845 2.0
17 006 854 5 080.9
29 801 798 8 903.4
1 666 006 497.7
10 301 742 3 077.7
1 545 680 461.7
5 229 368 1 562.3
949 748 283.7

First Hit: 7/12 20:04:32.556 SPELL_AURA_APPLIED nil -> Lend with Hellscream's Warsong

Last Hit: 7/12 21:00:19.765 PARTY_KILL Xarn -> Flesh-eating Insect