1:27:05.796Custom Slice

12 Jul 24, 21:23 - Yeadk

Average sec

Select range with mouse, then press "Slice". Points shown only if sliced from the start.

Name Rank Dps% Useful Damage Total Damage Heal Total heal Damage Taken
253 832 144 48 572.9
40 779 726 7 803.5
99 776 259 19 093.0
42 898 199 8 208.9
24 146 194 4 620.5
3 751 081 717.8
11 316 119 2 165.4
4 233 494 810.1
30 827 253 5 899.0
41 387 7.9
377 070 72.1
3 632 968 695.1
39 000 799 7 463.1
3 978 011 761.2
35 770 676 6 845.0
276 092 52.8
582 848 111.5
4 524 566 865.8
37 278 278 7 133.5
3 532 637 675.9
7 035 495 1 346.3
3 817 487 730.5
27 199 992 5 204.9
620 916 118.8
1 091 399 208.8
3 972 642 760.1
24 380 968 4 665.5
574 958 110.0
5 039 953 964.4
3 114 555 595.9
26 446 354 5 060.7
5 771 097 1 104.3
20 270 157 3 878.8
3 235 784 619.1
8 779 874 1 680.1
1 423 706 272.4
2 961 746 566.7
8 786 419 1 681.3
1 756 0.3
24 787 852 4 743.3
51 101 472 9 778.6
3 602 273 689.3

First Hit: 7/12 21:23:33.145 SPELL_AURA_APPLIED Yeadk -> Yeadk with Chill of the Throne

Last Hit: 7/12 22:50:38.941 SPELL_AURA_REMOVED Flarnyy -> Yeadk with Moonkin Aura