0:20:20.139Custom Slice

13 Jul 24, 17:06 - Jom

Average sec

Select range with mouse, then press "Slice". Points shown only if sliced from the start.

Name Rank Dps% Useful Damage Total Damage Heal Total heal Damage Taken
35 735 449 29 288.0
4 607 908 3 776.5
10 998 293 9 013.9
4 219 981 3 458.6
7 080 359 5 802.9
147 924 121.2
178 013 145.8
364 215 298.5
1 941 973 1 591.5
541 224 443.5
2 051 243 1 681.1
827 844 678.4
4 882 600 4 001.6
106 245 87.0
189 085 154.9
353 792 289.9
895 891 734.2
108 940 89.2
367 650 301.3
589 445 483.0
6 296 033 5 160.0
75 163 61.6
131 521 107.7
559 845 458.8
6 127 202 5 021.7
42 632 34.9
42 632 34.9
259 611 212.7
3 691 735 3 025.6
42 925 35.1
82 769 67.8
403 018 330.3
4 766 738 3 906.7
157 796 129.3
873 987 716.3
202 318 165.8
52 918 43.3
2 466 785 2 021.7
5 293 043 4 338.0
395 408 324.0
918 274 752.5
1 788 350 1 465.6
264 485 216.7

First Hit: 7/13 17:06:34.083 SPELL_AURA_REFRESH Faidraleo -> Wolf with Gift of the Wild

Last Hit: 7/13 17:26:54.222 SPELL_AURA_REMOVED Jom -> Wolf with Trueshot Aura