0:17:15.430Custom Slice

13 Jul 24, 17:44 - Greix

Average sec

Select range with mouse, then press "Slice". Points shown only if sliced from the start.

Name Rank Dps% Useful Damage Total Damage Heal Total heal Damage Taken
45 502 330 43 945.3
7 320 221 7 069.7
23 821 936 23 006.8
15 281 268 14 758.3
4 966 032 4 796.1
1 161 727 1 121.9
7 144 945 6 900.4
153 633 148.3
1 025 178 990.0
1 575 968 1 522.0
1 376 663 1 329.5
63 435 61.2
176 289 170.2
1 958 248 1 891.2
8 390 841 8 103.7
279 864 270.2
342 345 330.6
1 660 189 1 603.3
7 925 550 7 654.3
1 541 229 1 488.4
7 003 326 6 763.6
1 257 418 1 214.3
1 568 298 1 514.6
48 615 46.9
80 060 77.3
2 519 094 2 432.8
6 825 822 6 592.2
678 336 655.1
5 102 888 4 928.2
1 172 064 1 131.9
133 644 129.0
4 928 480 4 759.8
15 139 583 14 621.5
1 289 768 1 245.6
167 209 161.4
1 167 858 1 127.8
1 955 593 1 888.6
1 145 563 1 106.3

First Hit: 7/13 17:44:56.246 SPELL_AURA_APPLIED nil -> Greix with Strength of Wrynn

Last Hit: 7/13 18:02:11.676 SPELL_AURA_REMOVED nil -> Greix with Strength of Wrynn