3:06:25.102Custom Slice

13 Jul 24, 18:17 - Plexs

Average sec

Select range with mouse, then press "Slice". Points shown only if sliced from the start.

Name Rank Dps% Useful Damage Total Damage Heal Total heal Damage Taken
137 727 511 12 313.4
37 791 115 3 378.7
83 194 440 7 437.9
26 394 390 2 359.7
5 977 437 534.4
664 949 59.4
1 574 928 140.8
6 870 361 614.2
17 979 138 1 607.4
140 080 12.5
507 705 45.3
1 893 517 169.2
18 089 138 1 617.2
4 186 0.3
4 186 0.3
1 772 150 158.4
22 775 754 2 036.2
375 491 33.5
410 786 36.7
1 587 261 141.9
265 896 23.7
3 913 011 349.8
16 790 209 1 501.1
944 564 84.4
18 290 008 1 635.2
2 012 365 179.9
9 494 159 848.8
1 501 109 134.2
7 583 045 677.9
50 177 4.4
50 177 4.4
5 319 691 475.6
25 511 403 2 280.8
26 431 2.3
55 902 4.9
1 793 491 160.3
12 786 599 1 143.1
1 862 340 166.5
60 424 5.4
29 464 834 2 634.2
49 988 744 4 469.2
2 237 478 200.0
8 383 470 749.5
75 749 6.7
452 951 40.4
494 061 44.1
25 199 2.2
1 063 842 95.1
3 864 693 345.5
118 367 10.5

First Hit: 7/13 18:17:20.486 SPELL_AURA_APPLIED Plexs -> Plexs with Chill of the Throne

Last Hit: 7/13 21:23:45.588 SPELL_AURA_REMOVED Trex -> Plexs with Ferocious Inspiration