1:49:49.759Custom Slice

13 Jul 24, 19:10 - Bbl

Average sec

Select range with mouse, then press "Slice". Points shown only if sliced from the start.

Name Rank Dps% Useful Damage Total Damage Heal Total heal Damage Taken
96 014 747 14 570.2
7 501 599 1 138.3
36 718 476 5 572.0
6 517 471 989.0
6 339 457 962.0
161 117 24.4
453 337 68.7
2 044 884 310.3
12 854 693 1 950.7
297 202 45.1
1 987 824 301.6
492 076 74.6
13 902 017 2 109.6
245 903 37.3
1 944 400 295.0
540 055 81.9
8 927 589 1 354.7
207 103 31.4
598 050 90.7
363 061 55.0
12 358 355 1 875.3
569 197 86.3
3 214 297 487.7
432 785 65.6
16 854 936 2 557.7
172 409 26.1
844 213 128.1
1 251 744 189.9
9 783 206 1 484.6
49 151 7.4
296 591 45.0
380 467 57.7
12 091 525 1 834.8
252 214 38.2
1 036 710 157.3
3 447 775 523.2
21 234 430 3 222.3
388 504 58.9
224 018 33.9
2 335 549 354.4
6 079 221 922.5
296 544 45.0
1 642 241 249.2
16 193 2.4
66 113 10.0
75 137 11.4

First Hit: 7/13 19:10:32.270 SPELL_AURA_APPLIED Ryan -> Bbl with Devotion Aura

Last Hit: 7/13 21:00:22.029 SPELL_AURA_REMOVED Ztx -> Bbl with Leader of the Pack