1:33:08.125Custom Slice

13 Jul 24, 22:25 - Hooves

Average sec

Select range with mouse, then press "Slice". Points shown only if sliced from the start.

Name Rank Dps% Useful Damage Total Damage Heal Total heal Damage Taken
267 089 805 47 795.9
48 114 495 8 610.1
171 648 676 30 716.6
47 007 837 8 412.0
17 058 506 3 052.6
774 138 138.5
1 677 541 300.1
9 880 331 1 768.0
32 863 147 5 880.8
4 725 540 845.6
21 761 701 3 894.2
3 301 796 590.8
36 174 876 6 473.5
829 600 148.4
2 421 194 433.2
5 013 626 897.1
37 433 840 6 698.8
254 289 45.5
782 365 140.0
3 999 877 715.7
789 046 141.2
27 436 857 4 909.8
98 048 744 17 545.9
4 016 818 718.8
36 382 925 6 510.7
974 340 174.3
9 340 481 1 671.4
3 820 644 683.7
34 266 125 6 131.9
321 291 57.4
1 726 277 308.9
3 909 781 699.6
16 356 833 2 927.0
3 944 672 705.9
14 063 176 2 516.6
5 249 855 939.4
22 317 082 3 993.6
5 945 680 1 063.9
15 337 321 2 744.6
3 911 481 699.9
33 447 425 5 985.4
2 908 088 520.4
6 489 876 1 161.3
3 903 628 698.5

First Hit: 7/13 22:25:13.414 SPELL_AURA_APPLIED Voros -> Hooves with Concentration Aura

Last Hit: 7/13 23:58:21.539 SPELL_AURA_REMOVED Claudisabel -> Hooves with Shadow Resistance Aura