0:26:00.657Custom Slice

13 Jul 24, 22:26 - Yearog

Average sec

Select range with mouse, then press "Slice". Points shown only if sliced from the start.

Name Rank Dps% Useful Damage Total Damage Heal Total heal Damage Taken
38 845 340 24 890.3
8 453 456 5 416.6
21 611 095 13 847.4
7 446 468 4 771.3
5 115 063 3 277.5
188 298 120.6
262 849 168.4
843 328 540.3
5 136 243 3 291.0
168 939 108.2
178 594 114.4
676 095 433.2
7 735 465 4 956.5
103 277 66.1
103 277 66.1
616 519 395.0
981 514 628.9
84 727 54.2
107 376 68.8
702 574 450.1
3 805 722 2 438.5
73 015 46.7
73 015 46.7
469 112 300.5
2 203 265 1 411.7
569 362 364.8
1 501 697 962.2
1 989 191 1 274.5
6 268 381 4 016.5
847 490 543.0
3 634 270 2 328.6
492 014 315.2
7 499 077 4 805.0
71 205 45.6
76 770 49.1
681 721 436.8
66 149 42.3
2 648 424 1 696.9
7 615 225 4 879.4
438 240 280.8
34 461 22.0
3 698 719 2 369.9
8 058 022 5 163.2
537 674 344.5

First Hit: 7/13 22:26:03.553 SPELL_AURA_REMOVED Yearog -> Yearog with Armistice

Last Hit: 7/13 22:52:04.210 SPELL_AURA_REMOVED Rabbithuntin -> Kistle with Trueshot Aura