0:06:47.250Custom Slice

13 Jul 24, 22:47 - Yatiry

Average sec

Select range with mouse, then press "Slice". Points shown only if sliced from the start.

Name Rank Dps% Useful Damage Total Damage Heal Total heal Damage Taken
7 620 638 18 712.4
3 192 396 7 838.9
5 283 909 12 974.6
2 156 401 5 295.0
949 485 2 331.4
73 015 179.2
73 015 179.2
140 884 345.9
335 993 825.0
303 681 745.6
354 454 870.3
653 781 1 605.3
1 030 923 2 531.4
112 878 277.1
115 365 283.2
169 501 416.2
13 994 34.3
981 989 2 411.2
2 007 290 4 928.8
142 096 348.9
1 203 195 2 954.4
284 205 697.8
713 049 1 750.8
187 635 460.7
986 157 2 421.5
133 537 327.8
151 758 372.6
233 369 573.0
1 401 916 3 442.3
71 205 174.8
71 205 174.8
140 063 343.9
238 599 585.8
74 282 182.3
77 649 190.6
108 980 267.5
1 446 952 3 552.9
103 277 253.5
103 277 253.5
161 729 397.1
13 424 32.9
1 054 327 2 588.8
1 616 847 3 970.1
218 363 536.1

First Hit: 7/13 22:47:24.305 SPELL_AURA_REMOVED Yatiry -> Yatiry with Lightweave

Last Hit: 7/13 22:54:11.555 SPELL_AURA_REMOVED Kravskerohy -> Yatiry with Moonkin Aura