0:18:05.084Custom Slice

14 Jul 24, 12:04 - Child

Average sec

Select range with mouse, then press "Slice". Points shown only if sliced from the start.

Name Rank Dps% Useful Damage Total Damage Heal Total heal Damage Taken
9 573 936 8 823.2
875 994 807.3
11 593 296 10 684.2
653 902 602.6
2 188 841 2 017.2
69 737 64.2
656 791 605.2
161 427 148.7
5 377 449 4 955.7
30 415 28.0
85 150 78.4
377 390 347.7
2 007 646 1 850.2
50 186 46.2
408 892 376.8
5 437 371 5 011.0
366 950 338.1
5 413 984 4 989.4
64 899 59.8

First Hit: 7/14 12:04:11.910 SPELL_AURA_APPLIED Spell Shade -> Spell Shade with Phasing Invisibility

Last Hit: 7/14 12:22:16.994 SPELL_AURA_REFRESH Kappzdruiid -> Kappzdruiid with Soothing