1:34:43.642Custom Slice

14 Jul 24, 12:21 - Kycci

Average sec

Select range with mouse, then press "Slice". Points shown only if sliced from the start.

Name Rank Dps% Useful Damage Total Damage Heal Total heal Damage Taken
281 126 961 49 462.4
47 647 827 8 383.3
96 284 274 16 940.5
49 534 133 8 715.2
10 064 822 1 770.8
618 109 108.7
832 451 146.4
12 019 975 2 114.8
20 037 263 3 525.4
170 216 29.9
320 212 56.3
4 624 087 813.5
50 707 297 8 921.6
612 835 107.8
4 107 551 722.6
5 490 381 965.9
38 193 540 6 719.9
7 791 302 1 370.8
18 563 089 3 266.0
4 001 995 704.1
40 514 372 7 128.2
2 730 0.4
46 410 8.1
4 082 702 718.3
33 915 296 5 967.1
558 237 98.2
681 411 119.8
4 212 405 741.1
36 026 119 6 338.5
3 888 057 684.0
17 552 877 3 088.3
2 551 491 448.9
5 207 159 916.1
3 983 930 700.9
34 073 202 5 994.9
5 364 499 943.8
17 309 099 3 045.4
3 124 683 549.7
42 173 7.4
29 978 408 5 274.5
49 216 892 8 659.3
4 105 918 722.4

First Hit: 7/14 12:21:51.992 SPELL_AURA_APPLIED nil -> Kycci with Strength of Wrynn

Last Hit: 7/14 13:56:35.634 SPELL_AURA_REMOVED nil -> Kycci with Strength of Wrynn