1:58:38.537Custom Slice

14 Jul 24, 15:02 - Maneti

Average sec

Select range with mouse, then press "Slice". Points shown only if sliced from the start.

Name Rank Dps% Useful Damage Total Damage Heal Total heal Damage Taken
206 350 190 28 987.7
40 884 776 5 743.4
84 300 950 11 842.4
40 351 593 5 668.5
26 737 776 3 756.0
4 405 037 618.8
7 750 805 1 088.8
5 281 292 741.9
37 789 040 5 308.5
370 001 51.9
786 764 110.5
3 696 008 519.2
8 687 168 1 220.3
1 398 301 196.4
2 185 628 307.0
11 354 442 1 595.0
27 831 285 3 909.6
534 435 75.0
1 177 630 165.4
3 489 730 490.2
13 865 556 1 947.8
273 636 38.4
555 772 78.0
1 581 723 222.1
52 339 176 7 352.5
854 055 119.9
5 150 008 723.4
4 972 414 698.5
13 013 152 1 828.0
100 200 14.0
226 521 31.8
1 616 079 227.0
18 644 146 2 619.0
3 082 370 433.0
10 814 828 1 519.2
2 500 398 351.2
1 492 877 209.7
92 086 12.9
151 746 21.3
1 857 865 260.9
10 692 1.5
29 770 935 4 182.1
55 489 776 7 795.1
3 565 498 500.8
5 939 322 834.3
3 720 0.5
11 472 1.6
436 144 61.2

First Hit: 7/14 15:02:57.935 SPELL_AURA_APPLIED nil -> Maneti with Hellscream's Warsong

Last Hit: 7/14 17:01:36.472 SPELL_AURA_REMOVED nil -> Maneti with Hellscream's Warsong