2:52:57.227Custom Slice

14 Jul 24, 21:04 - Kahln

Average sec

Select range with mouse, then press "Slice". Points shown only if sliced from the start.

Name Rank Dps% Useful Damage Total Damage Heal Total heal Damage Taken
332 748 516 32 065.2
58 056 745 5 594.6
107 436 968 10 353.1
72 142 363 6 951.9
52 563 602 5 065.2
10 247 0.9
10 247 0.9
5 347 359 515.2
46 052 185 4 437.8
33 692 3.2
74 529 7.1
4 467 746 430.5
11 663 805 1 123.9
3 016 792 290.7
5 603 396 539.9
23 063 252 2 222.4
8 334 257 803.1
26 201 2.5
110 483 10.6
1 359 703 131.0
54 942 383 5 294.5
6 081 684 586.0
15 227 543 1 467.4
5 109 677 492.3
48 232 672 4 647.9
4 471 037 430.8
10 343 505 996.7
2 202 089 212.2
6 115 886 589.3
1 438 103 138.5
11 477 699 1 106.0
675 120 65.0
838 754 80.8
11 056 813 1 065.4
123 800 11.9
15 717 256 1 514.5
25 493 495 2 456.6
3 376 628 325.3
136 977 13.1
29 895 028 2 880.8
53 144 569 5 121.2
4 302 360 414.5
52 598 160 5 068.6
361 875 34.8
743 354 71.6
5 851 085 563.8
36 279 471 3 496.0
36 761 3.5
74 712 7.1
2 298 600 221.5

First Hit: 7/14 21:04:02.133 SPELL_AURA_APPLIED Kahln -> Kahln with Chill of the Throne

Last Hit: 7/14 23:56:59.360 PARTY_KILL Korac -> Squirrel