0:56:59.659Custom Slice

15 Jul 24, 02:14 - Snipars

Average sec

Select range with mouse, then press "Slice". Points shown only if sliced from the start.

Name Rank Dps% Useful Damage Total Damage Heal Total heal Damage Taken
40 612 805 11 876.2
11 535 097 3 373.1
24 335 905 7 116.4
11 763 915 3 440.0
6 985 563 2 042.7
188 018 54.9
299 673 87.6
1 055 468 308.6
3 983 603 1 164.9
125 953 36.8
157 149 45.9
2 086 903 610.2
11 092 317 3 243.6
50 276 14.7
50 276 14.7
1 139 245 333.1
213 536 62.4
4 547 392 1 329.7
13 007 932 3 803.8
664 225 194.2
5 081 159 1 485.8
96 533 28.2
101 989 29.8
1 075 881 314.6
2 073 134 606.2
528 549 154.5
938 945 274.5
1 770 910 517.8
5 464 633 1 598.0
56 795 16.6
140 750 41.1
1 081 450 316.2
4 498 292 1 315.4
792 169 231.6
1 598 974 467.5
967 022 282.7
1 212 845 354.6
66 737 19.5
98 100 28.6
1 014 134 296.5
7 723 2.2
5 082 675 1 486.3
7 942 117 2 322.4
908 677 265.7

First Hit: 7/15 02:14:26.244 SPELL_AURA_REMOVED Snipars -> Snipars with Armistice

Last Hit: 7/15 03:11:25.903 SPELL_CAST_SUCCESS Snipars -> Snipars with Portal to Dalaran