2:32:42.137Custom Slice

15 Jul 24, 12:14 - Wartron

Average sec

Select range with mouse, then press "Slice". Points shown only if sliced from the start.

Name Rank Dps% Useful Damage Total Damage Heal Total heal Damage Taken
318 934 743 34 810.0
64 538 224 7 044.0
185 261 895 20 220.3
68 604 159 7 487.7
44 924 506 4 903.2
10 218 469 1 115.2
30 796 613 3 361.2
4 874 277 532.0
13 493 058 1 472.6
388 429 42.3
858 661 93.7
20 207 258 2 205.5
34 799 541 3 798.1
982 974 107.2
1 152 199 125.7
6 133 919 669.4
33 985 059 3 709.2
51 957 5.6
57 614 6.2
4 650 143 507.5
45 132 884 4 926.0
4 790 0.5
5 165 0.5
5 641 132 615.7
46 261 279 5 049.1
165 492 18.0
323 444 35.3
5 410 923 590.5
42 331 387 4 620.2
72 806 7.9
539 366 58.8
4 946 255 539.8
46 852 520 5 113.7
472 402 51.5
2 921 531 318.8
6 553 864 715.3
544 628 59.4
24 120 713 2 632.6
88 629 785 9 673.4
4 586 251 500.5
40 467 4.4
28 007 116 3 056.8
59 834 717 6 530.6
3 611 190 394.1
10 569 414 1 153.5
53 076 5.7
142 800 15.5
1 988 947 217.0

First Hit: 7/15 12:14:21.224 SPELL_AURA_APPLIED Emberfyre -> Wartron with Moonkin Aura

Last Hit: 7/15 14:47:03.361 SPELL_AURA_REMOVED nil -> Wartron with Strength of Wrynn