0:23:35.441Custom Slice

15 Jul 24, 16:30 - Yeadk

Average sec

Select range with mouse, then press "Slice". Points shown only if sliced from the start.

Name Rank Dps% Useful Damage Total Damage Heal Total heal Damage Taken
35 828 462 25 312.5
5 700 664 4 027.4
13 591 458 9 602.2
5 359 207 3 786.2
6 268 565 4 428.7
39 908 28.1
39 908 28.1
476 942 336.9
2 922 973 2 065.0
14 078 9.9
18 358 12.9
253 313 178.9
5 171 062 3 653.3
713 649 504.1
3 350 770 2 367.2
324 944 229.5
4 143 659 2 927.4
88 255 62.3
126 028 89.0
622 144 439.5
2 323 334 1 641.4
26 457 18.6
26 457 18.6
300 033 211.9
5 882 201 4 155.7
63 606 44.9
77 654 54.8
505 895 357.4
1 570 684 1 109.6
221 962 156.8
383 636 271.0
1 635 242 1 155.2
2 775 845 1 961.1
72 252 51.0
498 688 352.3
306 441 216.4
4 770 139 3 370.0
353 079 249.4
700 117 494.6
563 220 397.9
4 107 418 2 901.8
8 369 842 5 913.2
371 033 262.1

First Hit: 7/15 16:30:08.225 SPELL_CAST_SUCCESS Yeadk -> nil with Raise Dead

Last Hit: 7/15 16:53:43.666 SPELL_CAST_SUCCESS Yeadk -> Yeadk with Portal to Dalaran