0:16:15.733Custom Slice

15 Jul 24, 18:28 - Vltaava

Average sec

Select range with mouse, then press "Slice". Points shown only if sliced from the start.

Name Rank Dps% Useful Damage Total Damage Heal Total heal Damage Taken
26 894 160 27 563.0
2 881 376 2 953.0
9 340 745 9 573.0
5 803 895 5 948.2
4 117 562 4 219.9
27 387 28.0
112 818 115.6
177 136 181.5
1 908 807 1 956.2
395 093 404.9
1 715 117 1 757.7
1 009 226 1 034.3
4 667 669 4 783.7
29 261 29.9
85 824 87.9
172 139 176.4
4 287 815 4 394.4
615 142 630.4
2 987 557 3 061.8
473 800 485.5
3 063 568 3 139.7
5 385 5.5
174 008 178.3
2 235 392 2 290.9
5 164 5.2
15 772 16.1
1 130 839 1 158.9
1 633 966 1 674.6
25 151 25.7
87 318 89.4
105 442 108.0
2 312 430 2 369.9
46 848 48.0
128 152 131.3
142 987 146.5
2 511 450 2 573.9
7 330 7.5
1 199 854 1 229.6
155 501 159.3
1 737 330 1 780.5
4 195 472 4 299.8
1 218 464 1 248.7

First Hit: 7/15 18:28:04.603 SPELL_AURA_APPLIED nil -> Vltaava with Hellscream's Warsong

Last Hit: 7/15 18:44:20.336 SPELL_AURA_REMOVED Darkinova -> Vltaava with Devotion Aura