0:23:33.042Custom Slice

16 Jul 24, 01:28 - Analtouch

Average sec

Select range with mouse, then press "Slice". Points shown only if sliced from the start.

Name Rank Dps% Useful Damage Total Damage Heal Total heal Damage Taken
35 345 733 25 013.9
6 193 967 4 383.4
19 500 020 13 800.0
5 542 349 3 922.2
4 943 098 3 498.1
55 880 39.5
55 880 39.5
423 290 299.5
1 474 195 1 043.2
194 106 137.3
255 437 180.7
1 458 469 1 032.1
5 712 737 4 042.8
110 134 77.9
122 119 86.4
489 616 346.4
5 492 068 3 886.6
54 844 38.8
54 844 38.8
500 464 354.1
58 103 41.1
2 245 080 1 588.8
9 938 824 7 033.6
414 615 293.4
5 253 895 3 718.1
76 150 53.8
93 400 66.0
417 476 295.4
4 166 572 2 948.6
254 944 180.4
795 080 562.6
454 408 321.5
3 745 636 2 650.7
572 410 405.0
2 086 872 1 476.8
456 876 323.3
4 498 519 3 183.5
53 770 38.0
519 970 367.9
516 031 365.1
910 0.6
2 576 649 1 823.4
5 577 594 3 947.2
411 104 290.9

First Hit: 7/16 01:28:53.093 SPELL_AURA_REMOVED Analtouch -> Analtouch with Перемирие

Last Hit: 7/16 01:52:26.135 SPELL_CAST_SUCCESS Analtouch -> Analtouch with Портал в Даларан