0:37:43.397Custom Slice

16 Jul 24, 14:39 - Crymax

Average sec

Select range with mouse, then press "Slice". Points shown only if sliced from the start.

Name Rank Dps% Useful Damage Total Damage Heal Total heal Damage Taken
80 927 396 35 754.8
12 520 466 5 531.7
35 814 628 15 823.3
11 600 727 5 125.3
201 418 88.9
10 469 998 4 625.7
29 690 577 13 117.7
905 384 400.0
3 796 137 1 677.1
545 484 241.0
1 176 521 519.8
4 091 338 1 807.6
8 165 295 3 607.5
461 445 203.8
1 556 127 687.5
754 643 333.4
10 695 474 4 725.4
159 323 70.3
204 133 90.1
861 434 380.5
9 059 880 4 002.7
378 618 167.2
2 190 554 967.8
996 407 440.2
12 337 663 5 450.9
858 506 379.2
9 436 304 4 169.0
273 434 120.8
319 692 141.2
846 774 374.1
4 087 348 1 805.8
142 857 63.1
422 164 186.5
800 153 353.5
10 057 518 4 443.5
89 307 39.4
254 860 112.6
801 462 354.0
13 090 359 5 783.5
684 626 302.4

First Hit: 7/16 14:39:29.497 SPELL_PERIODIC_ENERGIZE Crymax -> Crymax with Bloodrage

Last Hit: 7/16 15:17:12.894 SPELL_AURA_REFRESH Hookage -> Hookage with Unholy Strength