0:10:31.891Custom Slice

16 Jul 24, 17:13 - Profi

Average sec

Select range with mouse, then press "Slice". Points shown only if sliced from the start.

Name Rank Dps% Useful Damage Total Damage Heal Total heal Damage Taken
11 120 786 17 599.2
1 210 017 1 914.9
3 315 595 5 247.0
1 148 252 1 817.1
518 209 820.0
45 241 71.5
73 787 116.7
393 421 622.6
2 081 795 3 294.5
15 109 23.9
34 848 55.1
93 744 148.3
2 152 407 3 406.2
14 125 22.3
23 710 37.5
114 886 181.8
1 326 959 2 099.9
25 385 40.1
54 755 86.6
68 303 108.0
877 190 1 388.1
43 059 68.1
188 032 297.5
37 341 59.0
1 789 757 2 832.3
22 226 35.1
40 869 64.6
234 381 370.9
1 346 859 2 131.4
13 078 20.6
144 900 229.3
51 487 81.4
1 027 202 1 625.5
29 349 46.4
141 824 224.4
102 765 162.6
408 0.6
1 002 445 1 586.4
2 612 870 4 135.0
51 924 82.1

First Hit: 7/16 17:13:58.429 SPELL_CAST_SUCCESS Profi -> nil with Raise Dead

Last Hit: 7/16 17:24:30.320 SPELL_AURA_REMOVED Nheedhum -> Profi with Fel Intelligence