1:45:21.525Custom Slice

16 Jul 24, 19:27 - Vynox

Average sec

Select range with mouse, then press "Slice". Points shown only if sliced from the start.

Name Rank Dps% Useful Damage Total Damage Heal Total heal Damage Taken
240 564 619 38 054.8
37 634 650 5 953.4
108 152 781 17 108.6
41 221 082 6 520.7
9 051 681 1 431.8
1 617 972 255.9
3 868 333 611.9
9 926 565 1 570.2
32 804 202 5 189.2
218 443 34.5
525 308 83.0
4 918 915 778.1
35 099 925 5 552.4
72 737 11.5
88 645 14.0
3 810 119 602.7
28 680 405 4 536.9
506 667 80.1
2 157 073 341.2
3 358 567 531.2
31 547 017 4 990.4
4 208 247 665.7
8 302 112 1 313.3
3 774 639 597.1
15 054 114 2 381.4
52 300 8.2
81 794 12.9
3 054 741 483.2
28 691 849 4 538.7
2 746 988 434.5
33 143 932 5 243.0
3 624 186 573.3
487 125 77.0
26 695 561 4 222.9
78 515 546 12 420.3
3 304 257 522.6
26 004 369 4 113.6
4 262 723 674.3
14 613 970 2 311.7
2 702 105 427.4

First Hit: 7/16 19:27:13.056 SPELL_AURA_APPLIED nil -> Vynox with Hellscream's Warsong

Last Hit: 7/16 21:12:34.581 SPELL_AURA_REMOVED Spacetrash -> Vynox with Shadow Resistance Aura