1:13:40.442Custom Slice

16 Jul 24, 20:20 - Crew

Average sec

Select range with mouse, then press "Slice". Points shown only if sliced from the start.

Name Rank Dps% Useful Damage Total Damage Heal Total heal Damage Taken
196 446 328 44 440.4
30 820 287 6 972.2
65 478 045 14 812.5
32 405 367 7 330.7
27 619 891 6 248.2
913 179 206.5
7 116 026 1 609.7
2 594 526 586.9
19 004 866 4 299.3
40 220 9.0
319 989 72.3
2 469 010 558.5
36 209 871 8 191.4
3 099 105 701.0
28 131 692 6 363.9
908 879 205.6
1 147 911 259.6
3 027 373 684.8
22 825 643 5 163.6
400 923 90.6
675 672 152.8
2 291 878 518.4
7 806 820 1 766.0
1 478 211 334.4
3 238 646 732.6
8 714 831 1 971.4
22 533 953 5 097.6
2 544 066 575.5
9 339 398 2 112.7
2 133 728 482.6
15 961 279 3 610.7
476 194 107.7
2 091 060 473.0
3 019 646 683.1
16 220 586 3 669.4
2 412 565 545.7
131 727 29.7
24 058 615 5 442.5
41 549 343 9 399.3
2 642 705 597.8

First Hit: 7/16 20:20:07.486 SPELL_AURA_APPLIED Crew -> Crew with Chill of the Throne

Last Hit: 7/16 21:33:47.928 SPELL_AURA_REMOVED Leate -> Crew with Devotion Aura