2:16:37.115Custom Slice

17 Jul 24, 04:08 - Brugam

Average sec

Select range with mouse, then press "Slice". Points shown only if sliced from the start.

Name Rank Dps% Useful Damage Total Damage Heal Total heal Damage Taken
293 197 308 35 768.3
71 345 279 8 703.7
167 543 940 20 439.3
72 172 897 8 804.6
11 264 873 1 374.2
2 110 125 257.4
4 200 395 512.4
16 205 384 1 976.9
37 926 824 4 626.8
392 693 47.9
854 656 104.2
6 043 472 737.2
11 535 411 1 407.2
28 121 3.4
164 672 20.0
515 864 62.9
32 587 607 3 975.4
4 269 036 520.7
19 236 328 2 346.7
10 707 893 1 306.3
55 345 069 6 751.7
1 975 107 240.9
3 958 004 482.8
6 674 860 814.2
28 814 535 3 515.2
306 824 37.4
499 210 60.9
5 157 714 629.2
40 776 664 4 974.5
5 651 594 689.4
30 051 361 3 666.0
4 755 427 580.1
44 892 866 5 476.6
484 257 59.0
5 443 517 664.0
5 505 673 671.6
2 098 0.2
33 553 224 4 093.2
63 159 210 7 705.0
5 781 563 705.3
28 225 892 3 443.3
70 027 948 8 542.9
5 173 453 631.1

First Hit: 7/17 04:08:12.184 SPELL_AURA_REMOVED Raazia -> Vaynos with Moonkin Aura

Last Hit: 7/17 06:24:49.299 SPELL_AURA_REMOVED Brugam -> Naaruhodo with Devotion Aura