1:40:22.081Custom Slice

17 Jul 24, 12:17 - Dimhxd

Average sec

Select range with mouse, then press "Slice". Points shown only if sliced from the start.

Name Rank Dps% Useful Damage Total Damage Heal Total heal Damage Taken
258 578 076 42 938.3
37 626 374 6 248.0
84 776 232 14 077.5
38 659 950 6 419.6
35 736 481 5 934.2
3 239 889 538.0
682 873 113.3
537 971 89.3
48 868 090 8 114.8
518 916 86.1
4 042 580 671.2
4 659 984 773.8
34 905 824 5 796.3
1 980 413 328.8
3 051 052 506.6
3 192 490 530.1
35 611 210 5 913.4
55 711 9.2
409 183 67.9
2 221 012 368.8
7 984 639 1 325.8
262 109 43.5
381 647 63.3
10 888 934 1 808.1
39 685 053 6 589.9
3 477 753 577.5
27 792 402 4 615.0
3 906 437 648.6
7 563 427 1 255.9
3 990 221 662.5
15 473 395 2 569.4
3 062 356 508.5
10 399 731 1 726.9
931 645 154.7
215 176 35.7
25 579 849 4 247.6
49 372 364 8 198.5
3 726 690 618.8
11 622 933 1 930.0
2 260 583 375.3
9 556 248 1 586.8
1 793 361 297.7

First Hit: 7/17 12:17:25.140 SPELL_AURA_APPLIED nil -> Dimhxd with Hellscream's Warsong

Last Hit: 7/17 13:57:47.221 SPELL_AURA_REMOVED Panahasmara -> Dimhxd with Trueshot Aura