1:18:07.994Custom Slice

17 Jul 24, 12:21 - Tonigk

Average sec

Select range with mouse, then press "Slice". Points shown only if sliced from the start.

Name Rank Dps% Useful Damage Total Damage Heal Total heal Damage Taken
244 102 853 52 069.7
40 036 526 8 540.2
87 902 429 18 750.5
40 660 633 8 673.3
7 215 800 1 539.2
152 425 32.5
205 652 43.8
10 519 437 2 243.9
31 122 426 6 638.7
5 006 404 1 067.9
19 926 763 4 250.5
2 641 292 563.4
35 600 144 7 593.8
3 768 674 803.8
24 577 445 5 242.6
24 208 5.1
270 252 57.6
2 137 534 455.9
34 143 363 7 283.1
218 757 46.6
492 571 105.0
4 424 332 943.7
29 672 654 6 329.4
1 423 797 303.7
1 621 192 345.8
3 531 774 753.3
19 992 204 4 264.5
3 144 070 670.6
26 955 388 5 749.8
3 326 765 709.6
8 741 957 1 864.7
3 632 718 774.8
34 600 858 7 380.7
70 313 14.9
1 192 442 254.3
3 205 756 683.8
222 571 47.4
29 813 857 6 359.6
55 451 600 11 828.4
3 655 046 779.6

First Hit: 7/17 12:21:59.736 SPELL_PERIODIC_HEAL Healing Stream Totem IX -> Vanica with Healing Stream Totem

Last Hit: 7/17 13:40:07.730 SPELL_AURA_REMOVED Valdy -> Valdy with Omen of Doom