1:26:24.523Custom Slice

17 Jul 24, 14:03 - Valdzz

Average sec

Select range with mouse, then press "Slice". Points shown only if sliced from the start.

Name Rank Dps% Useful Damage Total Damage Heal Total heal Damage Taken
244 919 172 47 240.4
40 265 032 7 766.3
99 503 750 19 192.4
33 232 442 6 409.9
33 745 169 6 508.8
891 421 171.9
10 356 939 1 997.6
2 772 618 534.7
7 602 620 1 466.4
261 722 50.4
366 174 70.6
10 763 051 2 075.9
253 871 48.9
25 542 089 4 926.6
46 499 703 8 968.9
2 695 467 519.9
5 284 039 1 019.1
1 668 092 321.7
6 408 857 1 236.1
1 087 802 209.8
31 301 546 6 037.4
216 333 41.7
418 804 80.7
2 909 309 561.1
35 316 677 6 811.9
452 981 87.3
502 818 96.9
2 109 643 406.9
31 168 844 6 011.9
6 258 219 1 207.0
14 972 401 2 887.9
3 686 260 711.0
27 810 152 5 364.0
4 932 027 951.2
19 572 746 3 775.2
2 132 527 411.3
37 941 765 7 318.2
2 591 210 499.7
34 494 489 6 653.3
42 148 8.1
405 308 78.1
2 484 555 479.2

First Hit: 7/17 14:03:49.154 SPELL_AURA_APPLIED nil -> Valdzz with Hellscream's Warsong

Last Hit: 7/17 15:30:13.677 SPELL_AURA_REMOVED Kungenxo -> Valdzz with Retribution Aura