1:08:58.158Custom Slice

17 Jul 24, 18:39 - Aventuz

Average sec

Select range with mouse, then press "Slice". Points shown only if sliced from the start.

Name Rank Dps% Useful Damage Total Damage Heal Total heal Damage Taken
233 457 706 56 415.8
39 630 600 9 576.8
90 813 384 21 945.3
40 401 262 9 763.1
11 256 051 2 720.0
8 478 056 2 048.7
22 330 158 5 396.1
8 969 074 2 167.4
30 568 694 7 387.0
183 460 44.3
829 535 200.4
3 465 205 837.3
32 460 761 7 844.2
2 710 130 654.9
6 809 113 1 645.4
3 392 254 819.7
30 506 345 7 371.9
218 173 52.7
628 068 151.7
3 721 581 899.3
28 940 830 6 993.6
395 115 95.4
900 013 217.4
4 522 107 1 092.7
28 391 619 6 860.9
578 616 139.8
1 874 444 452.9
3 729 911 901.3
23 026 223 5 564.3
4 010 560 969.1
16 075 909 3 884.7
2 838 875 686.0
34 302 250 8 289.2
985 267 238.0
1 534 685 370.8
3 854 294 931.4
123 160 29.7
21 884 462 5 288.4
39 312 548 9 500.0
3 709 067 896.3
13 881 773 3 354.5
186 761 45.1
518 911 125.3
2 198 894 531.3

First Hit: 7/17 18:39:18.196 SPELL_CAST_SUCCESS Zealoty -> nil with Commanding Shout

Last Hit: 7/17 19:48:16.354 SPELL_AURA_REMOVED Zealoty -> Zealoty with Slam!